Busselton jetty presents, an Underwater Sculpture Park documentary, produced by Jake Mason Premiering at Cinefest 2024. Monday, 2nd September.
Cinefest Here We Come!
Busselton Jetty has achieved something pretty incredible! This year, we join Cinefest Oz as we premiere our first ever documentary. The documentary aptly named A Sea Of Discovery will premiere at Cinefest Film Festival on Monday, 2nd September 2024, 7pm at Orana Cinema.
We invite you to come on the journey with us from inception to deployment of our underwater sculpture park. Hear from the artists themselves, watch as they make their incredible works of art, and then see them sunk into place at the end of the Jetty. This amazing film, produced by film maker, Jake Mason, has become a beautiful piece of history and a great legacy for the future of the Jetty. Be with us on this momentous occasion as we relive the incredible feat we achieved together!
Before the film, join us for drinks and nibbles with a Q&A session with some of our sculpture artists.
Busselton Jetty Inc. presents A Sea of Discovery Produced by Jake Mason
Premiering at Cinefest Oz Monday, 2nd September, 2024 7pm, Orana Cinema
Pre-Premiere Party and Artist Q&A 5pm, Monday 2nd September, 2024 Further Info to Follow Soon!