‘The Diver’s Helmet’ is a 3m tall, 3.5m wide and 3.5 tonne mild steel replica of an old school diver’s helmet created by metal artist Gavin Cochrane. This fascinating piece of art, that has now been added to the Busselton Jetty Underwater Sculpture Park and Artificial Reef Project, was constructed using more than 600 metal triangles and countless hours of welding.
Gavin is an award-winning metal sculpture artist from Perth who has spent more than a decade as a metal fabrication tradesman and coded welder. Gavin now dedicates his talents and knowledge of heavy metal and light fabrication to his artistic passion with his business Cochrane Made Creations (CMC) launched more than 7 years ago.
Gavin’s addition to the Underwater Sculpture Park at the Jetty adds to his passion for creating high-end, heavily detailed, and one-of-a-kind sculptures, with his work showcased at Sculpture by the Bay Dunsborough, Castaways, York, Bayswater, Fremantle and many more exhibitions across WA!
Find more of Gavin’s work on Instagram: @____c_m_c_____